Types of variables available
The names and subtypes of variables availble from various Velocity templates used by SOD ingredients are listed here. The ingredients that expose them link here to show what's available from their variables. You can see how to use templates in SOD at the template instructions page.
Network Types
Default value: "${net}.${channel.station.code}.${channel.site.code}.${channel.code}.${channel.start}"
- azimuth
- the angle of the channel with respect to North
- code
- the channel's band, gain and orientation codes i.e. BHZ
- bandCode
- the channel's band code i.e. B
- gainCode
- the channel's gain code i.e. H
- orientationCode
- the channel's orientation codes i.e. Z
- codes
- ${channel.net.code}.${channel.station.code}.${channel.site.code}.${channel.code}
- dip
- the angle of the channel with respect to horizontal
- end
- time at which the channel stopped recording. can be formatted using getEnd('date format')
- name
- the full name of the channel. may be empty
- net
- the channel's network
- sampling
- the default sampling rate of the channel
- site
- the channel's site. The channel's location is in here
- start
- time at which the channel began recording. can be formatted using getStart('date format')
- station
- the channel's station
Available subfields
Default value: "${net}:${site.station.code}:${site.code}:${site.start}"
- code
- the location code ie 00
- codes
- ${site.net.code}.${site.station.code}.${site.code}
- comment
- a comment about the site. may be empty
- end
- time at which the site stopped recording. can be formatted using getEnd('date format')
- latitude
- the latitude of the site from -90 to 90
- longitude
- the longitude of the site from -180 to 180
- net
- the site's network
- orientedLatitude
- the latitude of the site with a cardinal direction ie 90 S to 90 N
- orientedLongitude
- the longitude of the site with a cardinal direction ie 180 W to 180 E
- start
- time at which the site began recording. can be formatted using getStart('date format')
- station
- the site's station
Available subfields
Default value: "${net}:${station.code}:${station.start}"
The subfields with $event are only available in the waveformArm and waveformVectorArm
- code
- the station code ie ANMO
- codes
- ${station.net.code}.${station.code}
- comment
- a comment about the station. may be empty
- depth
- how far the station is below the ground
- getDepth(format)
- how far the station is below the ground in meters, formatted by a DecimalFormat string, such as "#.0"
- description
- a description of the station. may be empty
- getAz($event)
- the azimuth to event
- getBaz($event)
- the back azimuth to event
- getDistance($event)
- the distance in kilometers to event
- getDistanceDeg($event)
- the distance in degrees to event
- elevation
- the height of the station's location relative to sea level
- end
- time at which the station stopped recording. can be formatted using getEnd('date format')
- latitude
- the latitude of the station from -90 to 90
- getLatitude(format)
- the latitude of the station from -90 to 90, formatted by a DecimalFormat string, such as "#.0"
- longitude
- the longitude of the station from -180 to 180
- getLongitude(format)
- the longitude of the station from -180 to 180, formatted by a DecimalFormat string, such as "#.0"
- name
- the full name of the station
- net
- the station's network
- operator
- the full of the group operating the station
- orientedLatitude
- the latitude of the station with a cardinal direction ie 90 S to 90 N
- orientedLongitude
- the longitude of the station with a cardinal direction ie 180 W to 180 E
- start
- time at which the station began recording. can be formatted using getStart('date format')
Available subfields
Default value: "${net.code}.${net.start}"
- code
- the network code ie IU
- description
- a description of the network. may be empty
- end
- time at which the network stopped recording. can be formatted using getEnd('date format')
- name
- the full name of the network
- owner
- the full of the group that owns the network
- start
- time at which the station began recording. can be formatted using getStart('date format')
Available subfields
Default value: "${instrumentation.sensitivity} ${instrumentation.sensorModel}"
- sensorModel
- the sensor model, may be empty
- dataLoggerModel
- the data logger model, may be empty
- sensitivity
- overall sensitivity, gain and frequency
Available subfields
Event types
Default value: "Event: $event.region | $event.time | Mag: $event.magnitudeValue | Depth $event.depth | ($event.latitude, $event.longitude)"
The subfields with $station are only available in the waveformArm and waveformVectorArm
- allMagnitudes
- comma separated list of all magnitudes
- catalog
- the catalog to which the event belongs
- contributor
- the organization that estimated the event
- depth
- how far the event was below the ground, with units
- getDepth(format)
- how far the event was below the ground in kilometers, formatted by a DecimalFormat string, such as "#.0"
- depthValue
- how far the event was below the ground, without units
- getAz($station)
- the azimuth to $station
- getBaz($station)
- the back azimuth to $station
- getDistance($station)
- the distance in kilometers to $station
- getDistanceDeg($station)
- the distance in degrees to $station
- id
- the id of the event as generated by the server
- latitude
- the latitude of the event from -90 to 90
- getLatitude(format)
- the latitude of the event from -90 to 90, formatted by a DecimalFormat string, such as "#.0"
- longitude
- the longitude of the event from -180 to 180
- getLongitude(format)
- the longitude of the event from -180 to 180, formatted by a DecimalFormat string, such as "#.0"
- magnitude
- both the value and type of the magnitude
- magnitudeType
- the type of the magnitude
- magnitudeValue
- the value of the magnitude
- magnitudeContributor
- the contributor of the magnitude
- orientedLatitude
- the latitude of the event with a cardinal direction ie 90 S to 90 N
- orientedLongitude
- the longitude of the event with a cardinal direction ie 180 W to 180 E
- region
- the Flinn Engdahl region for the event
- regionNumber
- the Flinn Engdahl region number for the event
- time
- time at which the event occurred, to whole seconds
- timePrecise
- time at which the event occurred, to milliseconds
- getTime(format)
- time at which the event occurred, formatted by a SimpleDateFormat string, such as "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"
Available subfields
Seismogram Types
Default value: "$sampling.numPoints in $sampling.timeInterval"
- frequency
- number of samples per time interval
- intervalUnitName
- the name of the time interval unit
- intervalValue
- the size of the time interval in intervalUnitName
- period
- time between samples
- numPoints
- the number of points per timeInterval
- timeInterval
- the amount of time over which numPoints are recorded
Available subfields
Default value: "Seismogram on $seismogram.channel from $seismogram.begin to $seismogram.end"
- begin
- the start time of the data in the seismogram. can be formatted with getBegin('time format')
- channel
- the channel that recorded the seismogram
- end
- the time of the last recorded point in the seismogram. can be formatted with getEnd('time format')
- maxValue
- largest value in the seismogram
- meanValue
- mean value of all the points in the seismogram
- minValue
- smallest value in the seismogram
- numPoints
- number of points in the seismogram
- name
- name of the seismogram. generated automatically by SOD
- sampling
- sampling rate at which the seismogram was recorded
- timeInterval
- the amount of time over which numPoints are recorded
- unit
- the unit the values of the seismogram are in
Available subfields
Default value: "Request for $request.channel from $request.begin to $request.end"
- begin
- the start time of the request. can be formatted with getBegin('time format')
- channel
- the requested channel
- end
- the time of the last recorded point in the seismogram. can be formatted with getEnd('time format')