A higher level function to calculate DFT. Returns a FFTResult for easier access to the result as complex, amp, phase arrays. Calls calcDFT internally. Inverse FFT is available as FFTResult.fftInverse().
seismogram to transform
fft of seismogram
Calculates the discrete fourier transform using the OregonDSP library.
((Int32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array))
timeseries array
DFT as packed array Float32Array
Calculates the inverse discrete fourier transform using the OregonDSP library.
DFT as packed array Float32Array
number of points in original timeseries array.
inverse of DFT as a timeseries array
Results of FFT calculateion. Allows convertion of the packed real/imag array output from calcDFT into amplitude and phase.
Factory method to create FFTResult from packed array.
real and imag values in packed format
length of the original timeseries before padding.
sample rate of original data
Factory method to create from amp and phase arrays
amplitude values
phase values
length of the original timeseries before padding.
sample rate of original data
number of points in the original timeseries, may be less than fft size.
Type: number
Type: Float32Array
Type: Float32Array
Type: Float32Array
number of points in the fft, usually power of 2 larger than origLength.
Type: number
The minimum non-zero frequency in the fft
fundamental frequency
recalculate the packedFreq array after modifications to the complex array.
recalculate the packedFreq array after modifications to the amp and/or phase arrays.
calculates the inverse fft of this.packedFreq
time domain representation