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Stations of Lake Jocassee & Lake Keowee

StationLatitude NLongitude WElevation Meters
BG334 59.5882 55.90 366
CCK35 01.3782 59.49 701
JVW34 59.5482 59.86 554
MMC34 46.7982 54.91 280
SMT34 55.8582 58.26 498

The LakeJocasse/Lake Keowee area has been studied for over fifteen years. The region is traversed by the Bravard Fault Zone and experiences small magnitude events several times a year.
Constructed by Duke Power Company, there are hydroelectric power generating stations on both lakes and a nuclear power plant (Oconee Nuclear Station) on Lake Keowee near Clemson, S.C.
CCK and JVW are owned and operated by the South Carolina Seismic Network. BG3, MMC, and SMT are owned and operated by Duke Power Company.


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