Matches a channel code, such as BHZ. See the SEED manual for the list of available code letters. '*' can be used to match any letter in a position. For example 'BH*' matches BHZ, BHE and BHN but not LHZ. '*Z' matches BHZ and LHZ but not BHN or BHE.
Places this can be found
In channel there is a choice between all of the following
- siteCode
- siteDepthRange
- siteEffectiveTimeOverlap
- siteArea
- siteBoxArea
- sitePolygonFile
- channelCode
- bandCode
- gainCode
- orientationCode
- sampling
- channelEffectiveTimeOverlap
- orientationRange
- orientationAzimuthRange
- orientationDipRange
- channelAND
- channelOR
- channelNOT
- externalChannelSubsetter
- hadDataLastWeek
- printlineChannelProcess
- responseWriter
- sacPoleZeroWriter
- stationHas
- alwaysSuccess
- hasResponse
- hasSensitivity
- repairSensitivity
- responseFilterType
- stageTransferType
- stageInputUnit
- stageOutputUnit
- clockId
- clockManufacturer
- clockModel
- clockSerial
- clockType
- dasId
- dasManufacturer
- dasModel
- dasSerial
- dasStyle
- sensorId
- sensorManufacturer
- sensorModel
- sensorSerial
- sensorNominalHighFreq
- sensorNominalLowFreq
- hasNegativeSensitivity
- isFlipped
- isGroupable
- channelScript