find_seismograms produces the part of the recipe corresponding to SOD's waveformArm. It depends on the output of both find_events and find_stations being piped into it to function correctly. See the usage document to see how that's done.
Format | Meaning | Default |
-v/--version | Print SOD's version and exit | |
-r/--recipe | Print the created recipe to stdout instead of running it | |
-h/--help | Print a brief help message and exit | |
-p/--props <props> | Add an additional props file to specify a different nameserver, database or other internal SOD options | |
-S/--server <server> | Set the seismogram server to use for this search | |
-B/--begin <beginPhase> | The begin time for seismograms specified as a phase name and an offset in minutes like 12.6ttp or -3s. The phase names come from TauP, so look through its PDF documentation to see what names are available. | -2ttp |
-E/--end <endPhase> | The end time for seismograms specified as a phase name and an offset in minutes like .4ttp or -20.01s. The phase names come from TauP, so look through its PDF documentation to see what names are available. | +5tts |
-c/--channels c1,c2,...,cN | The codes of channels to retrieve like BHZ or LH* . If unspecified, all channels for retrieved sites will be retrieved |
BH* |
-l/--sites l1,l2,...,lN | The codes of sites(location codes) to retrieve such as 00 or 01 . If unspecified, all sites for retrieved stations will be retrieved. '__' can be used to retrieve ' ' sites |
--mark-phases 1,2,...,N | Phase time to record in SAC file t0-t9 headers. An individual item is given as a phase name, a dash and a t header, 0-9 or a, as in taup_setsac. For example S-9 puts the arrival time for S into the 9th t header. See the TauP for more information about the argument format and phase naming | |
-o/--output <output> | The format for output. Can be none, counter or a Velocity template as described in the printline ingredient. 'counter' outputs the number of seismograms retrieved for each channel for each earthquake | counter |