The South Carolina Seismic Network

If you are visiting this site because you think you have felt an earthquake, please report your observations at:
If this is a recent earthquake, it will be in the list at the bottom of the Did You Feel It website. If the earthquake has not yet been located, you can still report your observations using the yellow "Report Unknown Event" button at the top of the Did You Feel It webpage.
The SCSN was founded in 1974 by Pradeep Talwani at USC and collaborators at the US Geological Survey. The 1886 Charleston Earthquake demonstrated that substantial earthquake hazards exist in the region. The SCSN operates a small network of seismographs throughout the state to monitor continuing seismicity in the region.
Dr. Talwani retired in 2009 and the SCSN was under the direction of Dr. Tom Owens until his retirement in 2022. Dr. Scott White is the current director and Dr. Philip Crotwell is the network manager.
Helicorder images of seismograph recordings from SCSN and surrounding stations over the past few days are available.
Current Information about the network and earthquakes in South Carolina is kept as up-to-date as possible.
Historical information about the network and earthquakes in South Carolina is also available.