Seisplotjs API Documentation
Seisplotjs is a collection of javascript routines for requesting,
manipulating and plotting seismic data. It is divided into submodules,
which are listed below.
- datalink - datalink protocol over web socket to a [Ringserver]( datalink server
- datechooser - widget to choose dates and times
- distaz - calculates distance between to lat/lon points
- fdsnavailability - query data availability from an FDSN availability web service
- fdsndatacenters - query FDSN data center registry
- fdsndataselect - query seismograms from an FDSN web service
- fdsnevent - query earthquakes from an FDSN web service
- fdsnstation - query networks, stations and channels from an FDSN web service
- fft - discrete fourier transforms via [OregonDSP](
- fftplot - plotting of specta output from the fft module using [d3](
- filter - timeseries filtering and utility functionality via [OregonDSP](
- helicorder - helicorder style 24 hour plots using [d3](
- knowndatacenters - known FDSN datacenters and web services, predates the FDSN datacenters web service
- miniseed - parsing miniseed files
- mseedarchive - http access to remote miniseed files in a archive format
- particlemotion - plot of particle motion from seismograms
- plotutil - utility functions for plotting
- quakeml - objects corresponding to elements in a QuakeML xml file
- ringserverweb - presentation of data pulled from the web interface of a [Ringserver](
- sacpolezero - parsing of SAC polezero response file
- seedcodec - decompression for seismic data, often used from miniseed
- seedlink - seedlink protocol over web socket to a [Ringserver]( seedlink server
- seismogram - objects representing seismograms and timeseries
- seismograph - plotting of seismograms using [d3](
- seismographconfig - configuration of seismograph plots
- stationxml - objects corresponding to elements in a StationXML xml file
- taper - tapering of timeseries
- transfer - instrument deconvolution of seismograms using response
- traveltime - travel times of seismic waves via the IRIS traveltime web service
- util - general utility functions
- vector - vector process of seismograms
- xseed - next generation miniseed-like file format for seismic data