The seismograms are written to ascii files in the location indicated by location. If multiple seismograms are found for a channel seismograms past the first will be written out with a number appended to their file name. ie the second seismogram will be filename.1 and the third will be filename.2
<asciiWriter> <workingDir>seismograms</workingDir> <location>${channel.code}/${event.filizedTime}/${network.code}.${station.code}.${site.code}.txt</location> </asciiWriter>
Places this can be found
In seismogramProcess there is a choice between all of the following
- printlineSeismogramProcess
- sacWriter
- mseedWriter
- asciiWriter
- wavWriter
- recordSectionDisplayGenerator
- responseGain
- phaseCut
- requestCut
- merge
- gapFill
- rMean
- rTrend
- taper
- externalWaveformProcess
- seismogramScript
- localSeismogramTemplateGenerator
- filter
- rms
- oregonDSPFilter
- forkProcess
- alwaysSuccess
- phaseSignalToNoise
- compoundPhaseSignalToNoise
- seismogramImageProcess
- legacyExecute
- seismogramAND
- seismogramOR
- seismogramNOT
- someDataCoverage
- noDataGaps
- fullDataCoverage
- integrate
- differentiate
- transferResponse
- collapseOverlaps
- div
- mul
- invertFlippedChannels
- seismogramSampling
- decimate
- stddev
- rms
- mean
- minMax
- compressionType
- availableDataPlus