This calculates the signal to noise ratio (short/long) in the time window described by the offsets around the given phases and passes if the ratio is less than the given ratio. See the documentation for the TauP Toolkit, for the phase naming convention. SOD uses the TauP Toolkit internally.
<compoundPhaseSignalToNoise> <phaseName>SKS</phaseName> <shortOffsetBegin> <unit>SECOND</unit> <value>-5</value> </shortOffsetBegin> <shortOffsetEnd> <unit>SECOND</unit> <value>5</value> </shortOffsetEnd> <longPhaseName>ttp</longPhaseName> <longOffsetBegin> <unit>SECOND</unit> <value>-105</value> </longOffsetBegin> <longOffsetEnd> <unit>SECOND</unit> <value>-5</value> </longOffsetEnd> <ratio>2.5</ratio> </compoundPhaseSignalToNoise>
This consists of
Places this can be found
In seismogramProcess there is a choice between all of the following
- printlineSeismogramProcess
- sacWriter
- mseedWriter
- asciiWriter
- wavWriter
- recordSectionDisplayGenerator
- responseGain
- phaseCut
- requestCut
- merge
- gapFill
- rMean
- rTrend
- taper
- externalWaveformProcess
- seismogramScript
- localSeismogramTemplateGenerator
- filter
- rms
- oregonDSPFilter
- forkProcess
- alwaysSuccess
- phaseSignalToNoise
- compoundPhaseSignalToNoise
- seismogramImageProcess
- legacyExecute
- seismogramAND
- seismogramOR
- seismogramNOT
- someDataCoverage
- noDataGaps
- fullDataCoverage
- integrate
- differentiate
- transferResponse
- collapseOverlaps
- div
- mul
- invertFlippedChannels
- seismogramSampling
- decimate
- stddev
- rms
- mean
- minMax
- compressionType
- availableDataPlus