This calculates the minimum and maximum of the samples in the seismograms and saves the results as 'MinMax.min' and 'MinMax.max' in the cookieJar. This can be used by later processors or used within the printlineSeismogramProcess as ${cookieJar.get('MinMax').getItem('max')}. The default name is 'MinMax'.
Places this can be found
In seismogramProcess there is a choice between all of the following
- printlineSeismogramProcess
- sacWriter
- mseedWriter
- asciiWriter
- wavWriter
- recordSectionDisplayGenerator
- responseGain
- phaseCut
- requestCut
- merge
- gapFill
- rMean
- rTrend
- taper
- externalWaveformProcess
- seismogramScript
- localSeismogramTemplateGenerator
- filter
- rms
- oregonDSPFilter
- forkProcess
- alwaysSuccess
- phaseSignalToNoise
- compoundPhaseSignalToNoise
- seismogramImageProcess
- legacyExecute
- seismogramAND
- seismogramOR
- seismogramNOT
- someDataCoverage
- noDataGaps
- fullDataCoverage
- integrate
- differentiate
- transferResponse
- collapseOverlaps
- div
- mul
- invertFlippedChannels
- seismogramSampling
- decimate
- stddev
- rms
- mean
- minMax
- compressionType
- availableDataPlus