TauP Curve¶
TauP Curve creates a xy plot of seismic phases, usually time versus distance. This can be used to create the familar travel time curves, but for only the specified phases and depth. The curves are linearly interpolated between known sample points, and can thus be used to get a feel for the coarseness of sampling. For example, curves for s, S, ScS and Sdiff for a 500 kilometer deep event in PREM could be generated by:
taup curve --mod prem -h 500 -p s,S,ScS,Sdiff --gmt
The -gmt
option prepends a GMT psxy
command to the output
file, creating a runnable script instead of just a data file.
The output is put in taup_curve.gmt by default, so to view the results:
sh taup_curve.gmt
and you have a plot of the wavefronts in “taup_curve.pdf”.
Alternatively, using –svg will generate an SVG plot of the same curves:
taup curve --mod prem -h 500 -p s,S,ScS,Sdiff --legend --svg
and results in
Other paramaters besides distance vs time can be plotted using the -x and -y options. For example tau vs ray parameter with:
taup curve -x rayparamdeg -y tau --legend --svg
Note that these images are inteded to be a quick, basic view into the results, and in most cases you may need to manually edit them in order to fix issues related to titles, labels and other image issues.
The usage is:
Usage: taup curve [--debug] [--help] [--legend] [--verbose] [--xabs] [--xlog]
[--yabs] [--ylog] [--attenuationfreq=<attenuationFreq>]
[--az=<azimuth>] [--color=<coloring>] [--mapwidth=<mapwidth>]
[--mapwidthunit=<mapWidthUnit>] [--mw=<mw>]
[--numattenuationfreq=<numFrequencies>] [-o=<outFile>]
[--prop=<toolPropsFilename>] [--reddeg=deg/s] [--redkm=km/s]
[--rel=phase] [-x=type] [-y=type] [--strikediprake=s[,
s...]]... [--xminmax=x x]... [--yminmax=y y]...
[[--mod=<modelName>] [-h=depth[,depth...]]...
[--stadepth=depth[,depth...]]... [--scat=s s]...] [[-p=phase[,
phase...]]... [--phasefile=<phaseFiles>]...] [--gmt | --json
| --svg | --text]
Plot travel time vs. distance and other curves for seismic phases.
attenuation frequency for amplitude calculations
--az=<azimuth> azimuth in degrees, for amp calculations
--color=<coloring> style of coloring for paths and wavefronts, one of:
auto, wavetype, phase, none
--debug enable debugging output
--help display this help message
--legend create a legend
plot width in units from --mapwidthunit.
plot width unit, i for inch, c for cm or p for px.
--mw=<mw> scale amplitude by source moment magnitude
number attenuations frequency for amplitude
-o, --output=<outFile> output to file, default is stdout.
load defaults from properties file
--reddeg=deg/s outputs curves with a reducing velocity (deg/sec),
no effect if axis is not distance-like/time
--redkm=km/s outputs curves with a reducing velocity (km/sec), no
effect if axis is not distance-like/time
--rel=phase plot relative to the given phase, no effect unless
fault strike, dip, rake for amplitude calculations
--verbose enable verbose output
-x, --xaxis=type X axis data type, default is degree180, one of
radian, radian180, degree, degree180, kilometer,
kilometer180, rayparamrad, rayparamdeg,
rayparamkm, time, tau, takeoffangle,
incidentangle, turndepth, amp, amppsv, ampsh,
geospread, refltran, refltranpsv, refltransh,
index, tstar, attenuation, theta, energygeospread,
pathlength, radiation, radiationpsv, radiationsh
--xabs X axis is absolute value
--xlog X axis is log
--xminmax=x x min and max x axis for plotting
-y, --yaxis=type Y axis data type, default is time, one of radian,
radian180, degree, degree180, kilometer,
kilometer180, rayparamrad, rayparamdeg,
rayparamkm, time, tau, takeoffangle,
incidentangle, turndepth, amp, amppsv, ampsh,
geospread, refltran, refltranpsv, refltransh,
index, tstar, attenuation, theta, energygeospread,
pathlength, radiation, radiationpsv, radiationsh
--yabs Y axis is absolute value
--ylog Y axis is log
--yminmax=y y min and max y axis for plotting
Model Args
-h, --evdepth, --sourcedepth=depth[,depth...]
source depth in km
--mod, --model=<modelName>
use velocity model "modelName" for calculations.
Default is iasp91. Other builtin models include
prem, ak135, ak135fcont, and ak135favg.
--scat, --scatter=s s
scattering depth and distance in degrees, which may
be negative. Only effects phases with 'o' or 'O'
in the phase name.
--stadepth, --receiverdepth=depth[,depth...]
the receiver depth in km for stations not at the
Phase Names
-p, --ph, --phase=phase[,phase...]
seismic phase names
read list of phase names from file
Output Type:
--gmt outputs as GMT
--json outputs as JSON
--svg outputs as SVG
--text outputs as Text