TauP VelocityPlot

TauP VelocityPlot creates a plot the given velocity model. It can create traditional plots of velocity and density as a function of depth, but can also plot various derived quantities like Poisson’s Ratio and other material properties.

For example, a plot of P and S velocity against depth on the y axis for ak135fcont and prem:

taup velplot --mod ak135fcont --mod prem --svg
taup velplot --mod ak135fcont --mod prem --svg -o stdout 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT7 https://github.com/crotwell/TauP ak135fcont, prem Depth (km) 0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 Velocity (km/s) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0

Or a plot of Poisson’s Ratio for the ak135fcont model:

taup velplot --mod ak135fcont -x poisson --svg
taup velplot --mod ak135fcont -x poisson --svg -o stdout 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT7 https://github.com/crotwell/TauP ak135fcont Depth (km) 0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 Poisson's Ratio 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.5

While the --nameddiscon option is oddly named, it allows easily getting the velocity model file for the standard models. For example:

taup velplot --nameddiscon --mod iasp91

will extract the iasp91 velocity model into a file named ‘iasp91.nd’ in the current directory.

The usage is:

Usage: taup velplot [--debug] [--help] [--legend] [--listdiscon] [--verbose]
                    [--mapwidth=<mapwidth>] [--mapwidthunit=<mapWidthUnit>]
                    [-o=<outFile>] [--prop=<toolPropsFilename>] [-x=type]
                    [-y=type] [--xminmax=x x]... [--yminmax=y y]...
                    [--mod=model [--mod=model]... | --nd=model [--nd=model]...
                    | --tvel=model [--tvel=model]...] [--csv | --gmt | --json |
                    --nameddiscon | --svg | --text]
Plot velocity vs depth for a model.


      --debug                enable debugging output
      --help                 display this help message
      --legend               create a legend
      --listdiscon           List the discontinuities in the velocity model
      --mapwidth=<mapwidth>  plot width in inches for GMT, pixels for SVG.
                             plot width unit for GMT. Default is i for inchs
  -o, --output=<outFile>     output to file, default is stdout.
                             load defaults from properties file
      --verbose              enable verbose output
  -x, --xaxis=type           X axis data type, one of depth, radius, velocity,
                               Vp, Vs, slownessdeg, slownessdeg_p,
                               slownessdeg_s, slownessrad, slownessrad_p,
                               slownessrad_s, density, velocity_density, Qp,
                               Qs, Q, vpvs, vpdensity, vsdensity, poisson,
                               shearmodulus, lambda, bulkmodulus, youngsmodulus
                             Default is velocity.
      --xminmax=x x          min and max x axis for plotting
  -y, --yaxis=type           Y axis data type, one of depth, radius, velocity,
                               Vp, Vs, slownessdeg, slownessdeg_p,
                               slownessdeg_s, slownessrad, slownessrad_p,
                               slownessrad_s, density, velocity_density, Qp,
                               Qs, Q, vpvs, vpdensity, vsdensity, poisson,
                               shearmodulus, lambda, bulkmodulus, youngsmodulus
                             Default is depth.
      --yminmax=y y          min and max y axis for plotting
Velocity Model
      --mod, --model=model   use velocity model "modelname" for calculations,
                               format is guessed.
      --nd=model             "named discontinuities" velocity file
      --tvel=model           ".tvel" velocity file, ala ttimes
Output Type:
      --csv                  outputs as CSV
      --gmt                  outputs as GMT
      --json                 outputs as JSON
      --nameddiscon          outputs as .nd named discontinuity model file
      --svg                  outputs as SVG
      --text                 outputs as Text