TauP Wavefront

TauP Wavefront is similar to TauP Path, but plots the wavefront at timesteps instead of the ray paths. It also uses a model like TauP Time and generates depth versus angular distances from the epicenter for the phases, but done at time slices instead of depth slices. The output is in GMT, Wessel and Smith [WS95], plot format, and is placed into the file taup_wavefront.gmt. The colums are distance, depth, time and ray param, although only the first two are used by the GMT script. If you specify the -gmt flag then this is a complete script with the appropriate psxy command prepended, so if you have GMT installed, you can just:

taup wavefront --mod iasp91 -h 550 -p s,S,ScS,sS,sScS --gmt

and then:

bash taup_wavefront.gmt

and you have a plot of the wavefronts in taup_wavefront.pdf.

Or use –svg to generate a SVG plot

taup wavefront --mod iasp91 -h 550 -p s,S,ScS,sS,sScS --color wavetype --svg
taup wavefront --mod iasp91 -h 550 -p s,S,ScS,sS,sScS --color wavetype --svg -o stdout 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT7 https://github.com/crotwell/TauP -170.0 -160.0 -150.0 -140.0 -130.0 -120.0 -110.0 -100.0 -90.0 -80.0 -70.0 -60.0 -50.0 -40.0 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0 150.0 160.0 170.0 180.0 Time 0.00 seg 0/3 s of s at 0.00 seg 0/14 S of S at 0.00 seg 0/14 S of ScS at 0.00 seg 0/17 s of sS at 0.00 seg 0/17 s of sScS at 0.00 Time 100.00 seg 1/3 s of s at 100.00 seg 1/14 S of S at 100.00 seg 1/14 S of ScS at 100.00 seg 1/17 s of sS at 100.00 seg 1/17 s of sScS at 100.00 Time 200.00 seg 2/3 s of s at 200.00 seg 2/14 S of S at 200.00 seg 2/14 S of ScS at 200.00 seg 2/17 s of sS at 200.00 seg 2/17 S of sScS at 200.00 Time 300.00 seg 3/14 S of S at 300.00 seg 3/14 S of ScS at 300.00 seg 3/17 S of sS at 300.00 seg 3/17 S of sScS at 300.00 Time 400.00 seg 4/14 S of S at 400.00 seg 4/14 S of ScS at 400.00 seg 4/17 S of sS at 400.00 seg 4/17 S of sScS at 400.00 Time 500.00 seg 5/14 S of S at 500.00 seg 5/14 S of ScS at 500.00 seg 5/17 S of sS at 500.00 seg 5/17 S of sScS at 500.00 Time 600.00 seg 6/14 S of S at 600.00 seg 6/14 S of ScS at 600.00 seg 6/17 S of sS at 600.00 seg 6/17 S of sScS at 600.00 Time 700.00 seg 7/14 S of S at 700.00 seg 7/14 S of ScS at 700.00 seg 7/17 S of sS at 700.00 seg 7/17 S of sScS at 700.00 Time 800.00 seg 8/14 S of S at 800.00 seg 8/14 S of ScS at 800.00 seg 8/17 S of sS at 800.00 seg 8/17 S of sScS at 800.00 Time 900.00 seg 9/14 S of S at 900.00 seg 9/14 S of ScS at 900.00 seg 9/17 S of sS at 900.00 seg 9/17 S of sScS at 900.00 Time 1000.00 seg 10/14 S of S at 1000.00 seg 10/14 S of ScS at 1000.00 seg 10/17 S of sS at 1000.00 seg 10/17 S of sScS at 1000.00 Time 1100.00 seg 11/14 S of S at 1100.00 seg 11/14 S of ScS at 1100.00 seg 11/17 S of sS at 1100.00 seg 11/17 S of sScS at 1100.00 Time 1200.00 seg 12/14 S of S at 1200.00 seg 12/14 S of ScS at 1200.00 seg 12/17 S of sS at 1200.00 seg 12/17 S of sScS at 1200.00 Time 1300.00 seg 13/14 S of S at 1300.00 seg 13/14 S of ScS at 1300.00 seg 13/17 S of sS at 1300.00 seg 13/17 S of sScS at 1300.00 Time 1400.00 seg 14/17 S of sS at 1400.00 seg 14/17 S of sScS at 1400.00 Time 1500.00 seg 15/17 S of sS at 1500.00 seg 15/17 S of sScS at 1500.00 Time 1600.00 seg 16/17 S of sS at 1600.00 seg 16/17 S of sScS at 1600.00 Time 1700.00

If the one-sided plot is confusing, the --negdist flag will mirror the wavefronts from the positive to the negative side of the figure, making a more pleasing display.

The usage is:

Usage: taup wavefront [--debug] [--help] [--legend] [--negdist]
                      [--onlynameddiscon] [--timefiles] [--verbose]
                      [--color=<coloring>] [--mapwidth=<mapwidth>]
                      [--mapwidthunit=<mapWidthUnit>] [-o=<outFile>]
                      [--prop=<toolPropsFilename>] [--timestep=<timeStep>]
                      [--xaxis=type] [--yaxis=type] [--degminmax=deg deg]...
                      [--depthminmax=km km]... [[--mod=<modelName>] [-h=depth[,
                      depth...]]... [--stadepth=depth[,depth...]]... [--scat=s
                      s]...] [[-p=phase[,phase...]]...
                      [--phasefile=<phaseFiles>]...] [--gmt | --json | --svg |
Plot wavefronts of seismic phases at steps in time.


      --color=<coloring>    style of coloring for paths and wavefronts, one of:
                              auto, wavetype, phase, none
      --debug               enable debugging output
      --degminmax=deg deg   min and max distance in degrees for plotting
      --depthminmax=km km   min and max depth, km,  for plotting
      --help                display this help message
      --legend              create a legend
      --mapwidth=<mapwidth> plot width in inches for GMT, pixels for SVG.
                            plot width unit for GMT. Default is i for inchs
      --negdist             outputs negative distance as well so wavefronts are
                              in both halves.
  -o, --output=<outFile>    output to file, default is stdout.
      --onlynameddiscon     only draw circles on the plot for named
                              discontinuities like moho, cmb, iocb but not 410
                            load defaults from properties file
      --timefiles           outputs each time into a separate .ps file within
                              the gmt script.
      --timestep=<timeStep> steps in time (seconds) for output, default is 100
      --verbose             enable verbose output
      --xaxis=type          x axis type, the depth/radius axis, one of degree,
                              radian, kilometer
                            No effect for SVG output.
      --yaxis=type          y axis type, the depth/radius axis, one of depth,
                            No effect for SVG output.
Model Args
  -h, --evdepth, --sourcedepth=depth[,depth...]
                            source depth in km
      --mod, --model=<modelName>
                            use velocity model "modelName" for calculations.
                            Default is iasp91. Other builtin models include
                              prem, ak135, ak135fcont, and ak135favg.
      --scat, --scatter=s s scattering depth and distance in degrees, which may
                              be negative. Only effects phases with 'o' or 'O'
                              in the phase name.
      --stadepth, --receiverdepth=depth[,depth...]
                            the receiver depth in km for stations not at the
Phase Names
  -p, --ph, --phase=phase[,phase...]
                            seismic phase names
                            read list of phase names from file
Output Type:
      --gmt                 outputs as GMT
      --json                outputs as JSON
      --svg                 outputs as SVG
      --text                outputs as Text