TauP TimeΒΆ

TauP Time takes a either a .taup file generated by TauP Create or a velocity model in .nd or .tvel format and generates travel times for specified phases through the given earth model.

The modelname is from modelname.taup, a previously created file from TauP Create or a modelname.nd or modelname.tvel velocity model file.

The phases are specified on the command line with the -p option, in a phase file with the --phasefile option, or in a properties file.

For example:

taup time --mod prem -h 200 -p S,P --deg 57.4

gives you arrival times for S and P for a 200 kilometer deep source at a distance of 57.4 degrees.

Model: prem
Distance   Depth   Phase   Travel    Ray Param  Takeoff  Incident Station   Purist   Purist
  (deg)     (km)   Name    Time (s)  p (s/deg)   (deg)    (deg)    (km)     Distance  Name 
   57.40   200.0   P        566.77     6.969     31.18    21.31      0.0    57.40   = P    
   57.40   200.0   S       1028.61    13.018     32.34    22.00      0.0    57.40   = S    

If you have a QuakeML file for earthquakes or a StationXML file for stations and channels, you can use those to calculate the distances directly. It is often useful to use the --geodetic when using latitudes and longitudes so that the distance calculation is more accurate. For example:

taup time --quakeml my_midatlantic.qml --staxml my_stations.staml --geodetic -p P,S

gives you arrival times for S and P for these earthquakes at those stations.

Model: iasp91
Distance   Depth   Phase   Travel    Ray Param  Takeoff  Incident Station   Purist   Purist
  (deg)     (km)   Name    Time (s)  p (s/deg)   (deg)    (deg)    (km)     Distance  Name 
   30.61    10.0   P        374.11     8.825     27.46    27.41      0.0    30.61   = P     IU.KBS 2024-08-30T09:32:19 mww 5.6
   38.53    10.0   P        442.46     8.399     26.03    25.98      0.0    38.53   = P     CO.JSC 2024-08-30T09:32:19 mww 5.6
   57.78    10.0   P        591.23     7.036     21.57    21.53      0.0    57.78   = P     IU.TUC 2024-08-30T09:32:19 mww 5.6
   30.61    10.0   S        677.16    15.639     28.25    28.20      0.0    30.61   = S     IU.KBS 2024-08-30T09:32:19 mww 5.6
   38.53    10.0   S        799.04    15.082     27.16    27.11      0.0    38.53   = S     CO.JSC 2024-08-30T09:32:19 mww 5.6
   57.78    10.0   S       1071.16    13.110     23.38    23.34      0.0    57.78   = S     IU.TUC 2024-08-30T09:32:19 mww 5.6

The usage is:

Usage: taup time [--amp] [--debug] [--first] [--geodetic] [--help] [--rayp]
                 [--time] [--verbose] [--attenuationfreq=<attenuationFreq>]
                 [--az=<azimuth>] [--az=<azimuth>] [--baz=<backAzimuth>]
                 [--baz=<backAzimuth>] [--geodeticflattening=f] [--mw=<mw>]
                 [--numattenuationfreq=<numFrequencies>] [-o=<outFile>]
                 [--prop=<toolPropsFilename>] [--qml=<quakemlFilename>]
                 [--staxml=<stationxmlFilename>] [--rel=phase[,phase...]]...
                 [--strikediprake=s[,s...]]... [--evt=l l]... [--evt=l l]...
                 [--sta=l l]... [--sta=l l]... [[--mod=<modelName>] [-h=depth[,
                 depth...]]... [--stadepth=depth[,depth...]]... [--scat=s
                 s]...] [[-p=phase[,phase...]]...
                 [--phasefile=<phaseFiles>]...] [[--deg=d[,d...]]...
                 [--exactdegree=d[,d...]]... [--exactkilometer=km[,km...]]...
                 [--km=km[,km...]]... [--rayparamdeg=s/deg[,s/deg...]]...
                 [--rayparamidx=i[,i...]]... [--rayparamkm=s/km[,s/km...]]...
                 [--rayparamrad=s/rad[,s/rad...]]... [--takeoff=deg[,
                 deg...]]... [--degreerange=d[,d...] [d [d]]]...
                 [--kilometerrange=k[,k...] [k [k]]]... [--takeoffrange=k[,
                 k...] [k [k]]]...]... [--json | --text]
Calculate travel times for seismic phases in an earth model.


      --amp                  show amplitude factor for each phase
                             attenuation frequency for amplitude calculations
      --debug                enable debugging output
      --first, --onlyfirst   only output the first arrival for each phase, no
      --geodetic             use geodetic latitude for distance calculations,
                               which implies an ellipticity. Default is
                               spherical. Note this only affects calculation of
                               distance from lat/lon pairs, all travel time
                               calculations are done in a purely spherical
      --geodeticflattening=f Inverse Elliptical flattening for distance
                               calculations when --geodetic, defaults to WGS84
                               ~ 298.257. The distance calculation uses 1/x.
      --help                 display this help message
      --mw=<mw>              scale amplitude by source moment magnitude
                              number attenuations frequency for amplitude
  -o, --output=<outFile>     output to file, default is stdout.
                             load defaults from properties file
      --qml, --quakeml=<quakemlFilename>
                             QuakeML file to load for earthquake origins to use
      --rayp, --onlyrayp     only output the ray parameter
      --rel=phase[,phase...] times relative to the first of the given phases
                             StationXML file to extract station latitudes and
                               longitudes from
                             fault strike, dip, rake for amplitude calculations
      --time, --onlytime     only output travel time
      --verbose              enable verbose output
Model Args
  -h, --evdepth, --sourcedepth=depth[,depth...]
                             source depth in km
      --mod, --model=<modelName>
                             use velocity model "modelName" for calculations.
                             Default is iasp91. Other builtin models include
                               prem, ak135, ak135fcont, and ak135favg.
      --scat, --scatter=s s  scattering depth and distance in degrees, which
                               may be negative. Only effects phases with 'o' or
                               'O' in the phase name.
      --stadepth, --receiverdepth=depth[,depth...]
                             the receiver depth in km for stations not at the
Phase Names
  -p, --ph, --phase=phase[,phase...]
                             seismic phase names
                             read list of phase names from file
Distance is given by:
      --deg, --degree=d[,d...]
                             distance in degrees
      --degreerange=d[,d...] [d [d]]
                             regular distance range in degrees, one of max min,
                               max or min,max,stepDefault min is 0 and step is
      --exactdegree=d[,d...] exact distance traveled in degrees, not 360-d
                             exact distance traveled in kilometers, not 360-k
      --kilometerrange=k[,k...] [k [k]]
                             regular distance range in kilometers, one of max
                               min,max or min,max,step.Default min is 0 and
                               step is 10.
      --km, --kilometer=km[,km...]
                             distance in kilometers
                             ray parameter from the source in s/deg, up or down
                               is determined by the phase
      --rayparamidx=i[,i...] ray parameter from the source as index into model
                               sampling, up or down is determined by the phase
                             ray parameter from the source in s/km, up or down
                               is determined by the phase
                             ray parameter from the source in s/rad, up or down
                               is determined by the phase
      --takeoff=deg[,deg...] takeoff angle in degrees from the source zero is
                               down, 90 horizontal, 180 is up
      --takeoffrange=k[,k...] [k [k]]
                             regular range in takeoff angle in degrees, one of
                               max min,max or min,max,step.Default min is 0 and
                               step is 10.
Lat,Lon influenced by:
      --az=<azimuth>         azimuth in degrees
      --baz=<backAzimuth>    backazimuth in degrees
      --evt, --event=l l     event latitude and longitude.  Creates a distance
                               if station is also given.
      --sta, --station=l l   station latitude and longitude. Creates a distance
                               if event is also given.
Output Type:
      --json                 outputs as JSON
      --text                 outputs as Text