TauP ReflTransΒΆ

TauP ReflTrans plots reflection and transmission coefficients for either a discontinuity in a model or given velocities above and below a boundary. The calculations are done using a flat earth ray parameter, 1/s, instead of the usual spherical ray parameter, radian/sec, as in the rest of the calculations.

For example, this would generate an SVG plot of the displacement reflection and transmission coefficients from the moho in the ak135 model:

taup refltrans --mod ak135 --depth 35 --legend --svg

and the result would be:

taup refltransplot --mod ak135 --depth 35 --legend --svg -o stdout 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT9 https://github.com/crotwell/TauP ak135 at 35.0 km Displacement Coeff. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Incident Angle (deg) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 Rpp Displacement Tpp Displacement Rps Displacement Tps Displacement Rsp Displacement Tsp Displacement Rss Displacement Tss Displacement Rshsh Displacement Tshsh Displacement

This calculates the coefficients for energy flux instead of displacement:

taup refltrans --mod ak135 --depth 35 --legend --energyflux --svg

and the result would be:

taup refltransplot --mod ak135 --depth 35 --legend --energyflux --svg -o stdout 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT9 https://github.com/crotwell/TauP ak135 at 35.0 km Energy Coeff. 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Incident Angle (deg) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 Rpp Energy Tpp Energy Rps Energy Tps Energy Rsp Energy Tsp Energy Rss Energy Tss Energy Rshsh Energy Tshsh Energy

The usage is:

Usage: taup refltrans [--abs] [--debug] [--down] [--energyflux] [--fsrf]
                      [--help] [--legend] [--pwave] [--shwave] [--swave] [--up]
                      [--verbose] [--anglestep=deg] [--depth=<depth>]
                      [--mapwidth=<mapwidth>] [--mapwidthunit=<mapWidthUnit>]
                      [-o=<outFile>] [--prop=<toolPropsFilename>]
                      [--rpstep=s/km] [-x=type] [--xminmax=x x]... [--yminmax=y
                      y]... [--layer=v v v v v v]... [-y=type...]... [--gmt |
                      --json | --svg | --text] [[--mod=<modelName>] [-h=depth[,
                      depth...]]... [--stadepth=depth[,depth...]]... [--scat=s
Plot reflection and transmission coefficients for a discontinuity.


      --abs                 absolute value of amplitude factor
      --anglestep=deg       step in degrees when x is degrees
      --debug               enable debugging output
      --depth=<depth>       Depth in model to get boundary parameters
      --down                incident is downgoing
      --energyflux          all energy flux coefficients, like TppEnergy
      --fsrf                all free surface receiver functions, like
      --help                display this help message
      --layer=v v v v v v   inbound and transmitted layer parameters, vp, vs,
                              rho, vp, vs, rho
      --legend              create a legend
      --mapwidth=<mapwidth> plot width in units from --mapwidthunit.
                            plot width unit, i for inch, c for cm or p for px.
  -o, --output=<outFile>    output to file, default is stdout.
                            load defaults from properties file
      --pwave               incident P wave
      --rpstep=s/km         step in ray param when x is ray param
      --shwave              incident SH wave
      --swave               incident S wave
      --up                  incident is upgoing, reverses the sense of the
      --verbose             enable verbose output
  -x=type                   X axis data type, one of degree, rayparam, default
                              is degree
      --xminmax=x x         min and max x axis for plotting
  -y=type...                Y axis data type, one or more of Rpp, Rps, Rsp,
                              Rss, Tpp, Tps, Tsp, Tss, Rshsh, Tshsh, RppEnergy,
                              TppEnergy, RpsEnergy, TpsEnergy, RspEnergy,
                              TspEnergy, RssEnergy, TssEnergy, RshshEnergy,
                              TshshEnergy, RpAngle, RsAngle, TpAngle, TsAngle,
                              FreeRecFuncPr, FreeRecFuncSvr, FreeRecFuncPz,
                              FreeRecFuncSvz, FreeRecFuncSh, default is all
                              displacement coef.
      --yminmax=y y         min and max y axis for plotting
Output Type:
      --gmt                 outputs as GMT
      --json                outputs as JSON
      --svg                 outputs as SVG
      --text                outputs as Text
Model Args
  -h, --evdepth, --sourcedepth=depth[,depth...]
                            source depth in km
      --mod, --model=<modelName>
                            use velocity model "modelName" for calculations.
                            Default is iasp91. Other builtin models include
                              prem, ak135, ak135fcont, and ak135favg.
      --scat, --scatter=s s scattering depth and distance in degrees, which may
                              be negative. Only effects phases with 'o' or 'O'
                              in the phase name.
      --stadepth, --receiverdepth=depth[,depth...]
                            the receiver depth in km for stations not at the